Fill me up, Lord

"You will seek me, & find me when you seek me w/ all your heart," God says. But that is not the whole story. I'm not just a searcher. I'm also a hider. You too. We have to come face-to-face w/ our tendency to hide, to get lost. ~John Ortberg, Love Beyond Reason

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My "high"

I finally achieved that exercise "high" everyone claims happens to you when you really get into the zone. It's a feeling that I haven't really experienced in probably maybe a year and a half. Previous efforts produced no such experience, and the blessing of being healthy had eluded me. I started to think that my past encounters had been false mamories, and that the "high" had been just a dream.

Until yesterday evening.

It was great. I just wanted to keep going and going and going... Remind you of anything?

I hope to get that back sometime soon.
That is...
if I can move my achy quads and hams!

Beautiful sites and broken people

Yesterday I visited my old haunting grounds of Zion, IL. It was so fun to be back... to visit my old apartment, see my old school, see the amazing changes to the downtown area. My friend B and I also walked up to Illinois Beach State Park. It was so nice to walk and sit and stare at Lake Michigan with the wind oh so gently tousling my hair. I am a water baby. I wish I lived near water. Well, I do. But it's a nasty retention pond.

I heard news of old "clients". Found out that a student from my 1st year of teaching, who is now a senior in HS was recently arrested for prostitution and had been associated with gangs, and was apparently their little sexual play thing. I don't really know what to say about that.

I remember her as a very quiet girl, sometimes a bit sneaky. We had had suspiscions of things of the above nature going on at home, but whenever she was questioned, she denyed it, and seemed sincere.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Give me my daily bread & no more & no less


Forgive me for my lack of faith, my tendency to hide, my selfish nature, and loveless actions.

Help me to be You to others, instead of consuming my time by filling myself up with things that have no value.

Give me what I need to do your will.


Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Safest Place

Being married doesn't make you safe...
Being at a certain weight doesn't make you safe...
Having the right friends or the "right" amount of money/lifestyle doesn't seem to work either.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love all of the above.


The safest place on Earth is in my Heavenly Father's arms...