Fill me up, Lord

"You will seek me, & find me when you seek me w/ all your heart," God says. But that is not the whole story. I'm not just a searcher. I'm also a hider. You too. We have to come face-to-face w/ our tendency to hide, to get lost. ~John Ortberg, Love Beyond Reason

Monday, June 11, 2007

Give me my daily bread & no more & no less


Forgive me for my lack of faith, my tendency to hide, my selfish nature, and loveless actions.

Help me to be You to others, instead of consuming my time by filling myself up with things that have no value.

Give me what I need to do your will.



  • At 6:21 PM, July 08, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Very honest and heartfelt and it touched me. I have some of the very same stuff to work on as well. I hope that God is as loving and forgiving as people say He is. Change is very hard. I definitely need God to help me too.


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