Il neige!!!
on my birthday even!!! How special. Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I am thankful for a lot of things in my life, and thought I'd mention a few....
-for my union's contract negotiations being almost complete.... 9 months early! Unheard of! What a load off my mind for sure.
-a dear friend being able to get pregnant...
-a job that I love, that changes and challenges me everyday
-a home of my own
-my 1st digital camera, courtesy of mes parents pour mon anniversaire
-BOOKS! especially the 2 Henri Nouwen devotionals I found for Christmas & Lent!!
-Music... Can't wait to hear your concert Dad, plus I love the Techny Towers Bookstore... such an eclectic collection of books.... and I love going out for dinner afterward.... also for "Music Machine" which was referenced in Cath's blog: & for the Twila Paris hymn CD she lent me. I
MIGHT give it back, if you make me a copy.... I like the song "Christ in us"... it reminds me of the prayers of St. Patrick
-tangents & randomness, & the ability of my loved ones to make an effort to follow along my train of thought
-BINDER CLIPS!!! I LOVE THEM! Not the cutesy ones, just regular black & silver... but last year I even asked for them for my bday... sigh.... it's a love affair of unspeakable fathom
-health, loving family, hair dye, Burt's Bees chap stick, Minute Maid Cherry Limeade & I think I should stop while I am ahead.