Be still & Know that I am God
Solitude and silence...something I like to read about. But to live and do and be? Eek. It seems so super-spiritual.
Silence can be deafening. To be alone with your thoughts, no distractions...
waiting for God, not knowing if He is there & going to show up, well, obviously he is, but sometimes we bring false expectations to the table as to what that will feel like/be like.
God is always with us. He will honor the time we give to him in silence. We as humans need to turn off our blinders, take off our burdens (lay them down people), and BE STILL! Stillness is different then just sitting back and vegging. It is intentional. (of course, I guess you could have intentional vegging out.)
But stillness is a commitment and a decision. It means being open to thoughts coming in and out, not judging, just allowing them to be. Sometimes focusing in on a scripture verse or lyric can be an aid in this process. More on this later...
Silence can be deafening. To be alone with your thoughts, no distractions...
waiting for God, not knowing if He is there & going to show up, well, obviously he is, but sometimes we bring false expectations to the table as to what that will feel like/be like.
God is always with us. He will honor the time we give to him in silence. We as humans need to turn off our blinders, take off our burdens (lay them down people), and BE STILL! Stillness is different then just sitting back and vegging. It is intentional. (of course, I guess you could have intentional vegging out.)
But stillness is a commitment and a decision. It means being open to thoughts coming in and out, not judging, just allowing them to be. Sometimes focusing in on a scripture verse or lyric can be an aid in this process. More on this later...
At 12:23 AM, May 18, 2006,
Catherine said…
Good topic! For lent this past season, I gave up listening to the radio or anything like it in the car. Which meant 50 minutes a day just hanging out with myself. You can't IMAGINE how quickly I got sick of was a great learning experience...
At 7:14 AM, May 18, 2006,
Literacygirl said…
I noticed the difference when I stopped listening to secular radio & then went back to it. I like what my brain and heart has to say without it.
At 8:59 PM, May 18, 2006,
Catherine said…
Sadly, I feel that say way about Christian music too, at least as strongly if not more so (95% of it, at least).
At 12:44 AM, May 19, 2006,
Literacygirl said…
I would have to disagree, with the exception of some modern worship music.
I find that listening to Christian radio keeps my mind out of the world's gutter or lowest places, and the teachings just empower me to live Jesus throughout the wee.
Listening to secular stations my mind goes places it shouldn't with the lyrics, and often times the radio hosts just go places I have boundaries around!!
I guess the great teaching I get is part of the reason I like it better than secular.
I don't think it is bad to listen to secular radio, I just know for my heart and mind, it's better for me not to listen to it. At least within this time context.
Who knows.... maybe I will be led in another direction? Life is weird!
At 6:46 AM, May 19, 2006,
Catherine said…
You said: I just know for my heart and mind, it's better for me not to listen to it.
That is EXACTLY how I feel about the Xian stations! So I mostly listen to NPR.
Its ok for us to disagree or have different needs, Jilly Vanilly. :)
At 2:31 PM, May 19, 2006,
Literacygirl said…
I understand completely! You can keep your NPR for sure! What ever works for you and YOUR heart!!!!
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