Fill me up, Lord

"You will seek me, & find me when you seek me w/ all your heart," God says. But that is not the whole story. I'm not just a searcher. I'm also a hider. You too. We have to come face-to-face w/ our tendency to hide, to get lost. ~John Ortberg, Love Beyond Reason

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Exactly Right Now

Geneen Roth says you're not stuck if you're not trying to go anywhere.
And that's supposed to be a good thing?

Maybe you are stuck because there isn't a direction you are headed for. Or you are not heading in a direction.


I'm putting my directions away for this moment...
just going to enjoy or at least sit in this one particular moment.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

10 hours before, after, and during

I'm a hide-r. That's a fact. Going out to the party is not my thing. It's the worrying before, worrying during, and the worrying after. Like 10 years after. 10 minutes after. 10 weeks after. It's too much.

It's a balancing act.... empty spaces, not too many, not too few... just enough....

Walking on a tight rope....

Just give me the remote so I can freeze the scene

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Nothingness & Everything

Some days I think about writing here. Other days, it's too scary to type what I think. Because it makes it more real, and then I have to deal with it. Living in a fog, is great in the moment, but over a lifetime? Disappointing.